Helvetas welcomes the historic agreement on biodiversity and will closely monitor its implementation.
Helvetas welcomes the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, which represents, if implemented an important step towards conserving the world’s biodiversity.
We are especially glad that the framework recognizes the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities over traditional territories and the important role played by them in managing and maintaining many of the world’s remaining most biodiverse ecosystems.
As strong proponents of agroecology – entailing the minimization of agro-chemical use - we nevertheless believe that the demand to halve the use of hazardous chemicals by 2030 is insufficient. Low input agriculture is much more appropriate for small holder farmers, both in terms of safety and sustainability, than the heavy use of agro-chemicals.
But we are glad that measures such as promoting integrated pest management are explicitly mentioned.
Helvetas is also glad to see that a funding commitment has been made, and hope that the implementation modalities will be such that the funds are readily accessible to the indigenous peoples and local communities whose vital contribution to biodiversity is acknowledged.
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