North Macedonia

Market-Oriented Education for a Prosperous Society

For many years, North Macedonia has had a weak and fragmented skills development system and vocational schools that rely heavily on theoretical teaching, lacking private sector involvement. The country is now facing a challenging task of overhauling the labor market to tackle high unemployment. The E4E@mk project supports North Macedonia in establishing a strong, socially inclusive and market-oriented system of vocational education and training.

  • Project Name
    E4E@mk: Education for Employment
  • Project Phase
    2018 to 2026
  • Funding
    This project is an SDC mandate.
  • Thematic focus
    Education and Vocational Skills

Macedonian business requires a qualified workforce. Macedonian citizens need jobs. With supply and demand in place, why are a quarter of all Macedonians – and half of the youth – unemployed?

A mismatch between the theoretical and sometimes obsolete knowledge provided by schools and the practical up-to-date skills required by employers is one of the key factors.

The E4E@mk project has an ambitious goal of catalyzing a synergy between North Macedonia’s educational institutions, business, and youth. Analyzing skill gaps together with champions from the private sector. Launching public-private partnerships, such as internship programs, that target these gaps. Supporting VET-schools and private training providers in modernizing their offers. Promoting non-formal education (e.g. short courses or on-the-job training) as crucial to a successful lifelong career.  Lowering barriers for vulnerable groups including Roma, people with disabilities, and women: for example, by introducing flexible schedules that suit young mothers.

To ensure long-term results that go beyond the project’s immediate impact, E4E@mk places a strong emphasis on system-wide changes. With improved educational policies and legislation and empowered local actors, North Macedonia can independently enhance the chances of gainful employment for its citizens. 

The project is a Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) mandate implemented by Helvetas in cooperation with the Macedonian Civic Education Center and the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia.

Helvetas in Macedonia

Helvetas supports labor market development and vocational training in North Macedonia, and advocates for biodiversity.

Helvetas Eastern Europe Unit
Maulbeerstr. 10
3010 Bern

Phone:+41 31 385 10 10