Helvetas seeks to increase the income, job opportunities and resilience of disadvantaged women and men. For this purpose, Helvetas collaborates with private and public sector as well as civil society partners to support the sustainable growth of micro and small enterprises across economic sectors.
Why private sector development matters
Private sector initiatives have the potential to foster development by providing and generating better quality jobs, promoting decent labor standards, advancing inclusion and gender balance, strengthening skills and furthering technological advances.
In developing economies micro, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) often lack the resources and capacity to create new jobs and promote economic development. Helvetas supports the strengthening of these actors and the improvement of the framework conditions for the establishment and development of entrepreneurial initiatives that positively contribute to economic development.
What we do
- By increasing efficiency for both farm and non-farm market systems, Helvetas enhances incomes and job opportunities, as well as resilience. We foster closer and stronger linkages between producers, entrepreneurs, industries and markets.
- Helvetas supports the development of local markets and certified agricultural commodity chains, including organic rice and cocoa. We also strengthen labor market systems to create jobs and launch enterprises, with special attention paid to disadvantaged groups like women and youth.
- We recognize the important role of the private sector in innovation and economic growth, both integral elements in enhancing social and political stability in our partner countries.
- Helvetas also advocates for sustainable, fair, resilient and environmentally responsible market systems that provide rural and urban populations with the products and services needed.
What we offer
The private sector development advisory services team consults for Helvetas’ programs as well as external clients in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. Our services include:
- Expertise in sustainable market systems and private sector development in farm and non-farm sectors, and financial inclusion.
- Long-standing experience in linking producers with markets of certified produce (such as organic and fair-trade value chains) and in facilitating knowledge sharing.
- Advice on designing internal control and quality management systems as per the requirements of the market.
- Training and capacity building on inclusive market systems development (MSD) / making markets work for the poor (M4P).
- Establishing and implementing private-public development partnerships that benefit disadvantaged women and men to increase income and employment.
- Advice on financial inclusion, in particular the strengthening of self-help credit and saving programs, the institutional development of rural microfinance institutions, and value chain finance.
Contact our team
Our multilingual advisory team offers wide-ranging thematic expertise and has in-depth experience in navigating complex processes. Helvetas’ work builds on over 60 years of experience in more than 30 countries.