Area199,949 km²
Poverty rate*1% of the population live under the poverty line of $1.90 per day
UN DEVELOPMENT INDEX*Rank: 118 out of 193
People supported per year47,636
Thematic focusPrivate Sector Development
WASH & Water Governance
Climate & Disaster Resilience
Education and Vocational Skills
Voice, Inclusion & Cohesion
Kyrgyzstan’s economy has significantly developed since it broke away from the former Soviet Union in 1991. But many people still live below the poverty line, and there are not sufficient jobs for the mostly young population. The gaps are widening between rich and poor, city and country, and north and south.
Improving lives in the mountainous communities
Helvetas has been active since 1994 in rural areas, particularly in the impoverished Alai Mountains, where the local population is faced with harsh climatic conditions, a weak infrastructure and a lack of jobs. We support development of such sectors as cattle, apiculture, handicraft and tourism with the aim of systematically improving these sectors and increasing incomes and earnings for the poor.
Advancing sustainable tourism
Helvetas plays a pivotal role in enhancing the sustainability and competitiveness of the tourism sector in Kyrgyzstan. We contribute to increasing decent jobs and income opportunities for women and men, with the perspective of year-round jobs through the development of a sustainable tourism value chain. This involves adopting and replicating sustainable consumption and production practices, e.g. reducing plastic usage, developing greener products (eco-tours), bringing businesses into green tourism practices, and achieving competitive advantages in the global tourism market.
Fair share of water resources
This Central Asian republic is a very arid country with little precipitation. Most farmers depend on irrigation to water their crops. Helvetas supports the elaboration of water use plans to make sure all users get their fair share of this vital resource. And farming families learn how to use scarce water resources more efficiently and improve crop yields by adapting simple irrigation methods. These efforts serve to increase agricultural production and mitigate conflicts over water.
Supporting the municipalities
For some time now, Kyrgyzstan has no longer been centrally governed. Many policy decisions are now taken at the municipal level. But many municipalities do not yet have the capacity to carry out their new responsibilities. Helvetas supports them in increasing their capacity to provide better public services to their citizens, e.g. to improve access to drinking water and waste management.
Visit the website of Helvetas Kyrgyzstan.
The country programme in Kyrgyzstan is co-funded by the SDC programme contribution.
Our Projects in Central Asia
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HELVETAS Kyrgyzstan
720044 Бишкек
Phone:+996 312 21 45 72/73/74/75
E-Mail: kyrgyzstan@helvetas.org
Visit the website of Helvetas Kyrgyzstan.