© Helvetas

Public service improvement in Kyrgyzstan

© Helvetas

The Public Service Improvement (PSI) project is a ten-year initiative funded by the Swiss Government and implemented by Helvetas and Development Policy Institute.

  • Project Name
    Public Service Improvement
  • Project Phase
    2019 to 2023
  • Funding
    This project is funded by the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  • Thematic focus
    Voice, Inclusion & Cohesion

Budget: 4 mln CHF

Beneficiaries: LSG bodies, local communities

Partners: LSG Union, SALSGIR, Ministry of Economy, Local Governance Academy of Central Asia, LSG bodies of Issyk-Kul and Jalal-Abad regions

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© Helvetas
© Helvetas
A service on organization of leisure was improved by the opening of the recreation park in Lenin municipality © Helvetas
© Helvetas
A service on organization of leisure was improved by the opening of the recreation park in Lenin municipality © Helvetas
© Helvetas
The kindergarten in Masy village (JA) opened its door for 170 children © Helvetas
© Helvetas
Openning of a cultural center that will benefit over 3’500 residents of Ottuk and Kara-Shaar villages of Ulahol municipality © Helvetas

The main goal of PSI phase I (2015 – 2019)

The main goal of PSI phase I (2015 – 2019) was to introduce sustainable, effective, efficient, accountable and responsive management solutions in targeted municipalities that address real needs and demands of citizens and that deliver tangible service improvements. During the first phase the project has developed and positively tested a unique methodology that helps local self-governments to better plan, manage, and provide services based on the priority needs of the local population.

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A water supply system was opened for more than 3,900 residents of Sakaldy municipality © Helvetas

The main thrust of PSI phase II (2019 – 2023)

The main thrust of PSI phase II (2019 – 2023) is therefore to deepen, replicate and scale up tested models and solutions from phase I to tangibly improve public services by establishing replication models and supporting national mechanisms for their dissemination and scaling up the approach countrywide.

PSI II will work on achieving two outcomes that contribute to the overall goal:

Outcome 1: Rural municipalities provide local public services in an effective and efficient manner

Outcome 2: The various system actors create enabling conditions – technical, legal and financial – fostering socially inclusive and gender responsive local public service provision

«People are becoming more involved, we feel responsible to deliver results, then faith and respect for local self-government bodies will be strengthened, for now the pilot projects put more efforts then others.»

Kulchaev Kairat, Municipal Coordinator from Kumbel municipality of Issyk-Kul region

© Helvetas
Openning of the Kindergarten in Masy municipality © Helvetas

During the phase II implementation the project strategy towards achieving the set results is grouped into two main interventions: a) focus on  creating models and supporting tangible service improvements through inter-municipal cooperation (IMC) and active and meaningful participation of citizens in development of local service policies and practices that are gender sensitive and socially inclusive; b) supporting and utilizing national mechanism for dissemination and capitalization of the knowledge and best practices on effective local service provision.

Main role in the dissemination, replication and scaling up knowledge and products of the Project will be given to the SALSGIR, local non-commercial organizations, LSG Union, LGACA.

List of pilot municipalities (targeted), Phase II (2019 – 2023)

Issyk-Kul region                                                           Jalal-Abad region

1. Bosteri АА                                                                 1. Toktogul city

2. Kumbel АА                                                                2. Jany-Jol АА

3. Temir АА                                                                    3. Torken АА

4. Kerege-Tash АА                                                        4. Avletim АА

5. Oktyabr АА                                                                5. Jany-Jol АА

6. Teplokluchenka АА                                                  6. Kenesh АА

7. Chelpek АА                                                                7. Beshik-Jon АА

8. Kyzyl-Suu АА                                                             8. Masy АА

9. Orgochor АА                                                              9. Ketmen-Dobo АА

10. Svetlaya Polyana АА                                              10. Cholpon-Ata АА

11. Saruu АА                                                                  11. Ak-Jol АА

12. Darkhan АА                                                             12. Jerge-Tal АА

                                                                                          13. Dostuk АА

                                                                                          14. Burgondy АА

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© Helvetas

Voice, Inclusion & Cohesion

In many countries where we work, men and women are unable to claim their rights and participate actively in decision-making processes.