© Helvetas / Flurina Rothenberger


O Benim é uma das democracias mais estáveis de toda a África. Mas muitas pessoas aqui vivem em extrema pobreza, e só uma minoria sabe ler e escrever. A Helvetas concentra os seus esforços no Benim na educação e integração profissional - especialmente para os jovens - e no fornecimento de água potável e de melhores infra-estruturas sanitárias.
© Helvetas / Flurina Rothenberger
  • Superfície
    114,763 km²
  • Indice de pobreza*
    53% da população vive abaixo do limiar da pobreza, com 1,90$ por dia
    Posição 166 de um total de 191
  • População
  • Pessoas apoiadas por ano
  • Focos temáticos
    Desenvolvimento económico
    Água, Saneamento e Higiene
    Desenvolvimento de Competências e Educação
* Fonte de informação: UN Data

Helvetas has been active in Benin since 1995. This West African republic is relatively politically stable. And yet it has a lot of catching up to do in the areas of education and poverty reduction: roughly a third of the population lives in extreme poverty. Almost 60% of the adult population cannot read or write. Helvetas seeks to improve the quality of basic education and enable children who were previously excluded, or had to leave school early, to go (back) to school.

Developing youth entrepreneurship 

Helvetas is committed to supporting young people by facilitating self-entrepreneurship and income generation for people living in rural areas. For several years, young women and men have been receiving technical training and entrepreneurial coaching, enabling them to improve the performance of their small businesses. These young people, who process agricultural products or raise poultry, accumulate enough know-how to advise other young people in the area. Based on this model, thousands of young people benefit from the knowledge of their peers, and a network of advice and sales has been set up in the remote regions of northern Benin.  

Drinking water for schools and health centers

Medical care is scarce in Benin: For 100,000 inhabitants there are only four doctors here – as against 200 in Switzerland. The infant mortality rate in Benin is one of the highest in the world. The lack of sanitation and poor hygiene are the main reasons so many infants get sick. This is why Helvetas provides support for the building and maintenance of drinking water supply systems, e.g. in schools and health care facilities. These systems are either hand-operated or driven by solar energy. A functional infrastructure alone, however, is not enough to improve public health: hygiene education is equally crucial and forms an integral component of Helvetas' sanitation projects. Additionally, we strive to bolster the private sector in advancing sanitation and hygiene services.

Socio-economic integration of young people

In isolated areas where access to vocational training is limited, Helvetas works to enable young people to pursue sustainable and profitable career paths. Local experts provide technical support and coaching, assisting them in transforming traditional practices into structured businesses. This approach empowers them to gain autonomy, generate income, and contribute to employment opportunities in the agricultural sector.

Living together according to one's needs 

At a time when northern Benin is being affected by a wave of instability from the Sahel, the question of access to resources and social cohesion is once again at the heart of concerns. Pressure for access to fertile land and water is accentuated by climate change and demographic growth, and pits the interests of nomadic herders and farmers against each other. This is a situation faced by populations who fear for their way of life. Helvetas is therefore committed to preventing conflicts, by facilitating the development of productive resources, notably through agricultural infrastructures, and usage agreements that unite the interests of these populations and improve social cohesion. 

Visit the website of Helvetas Benin.

Our Projects in Benin

 If you would like to know more about our work in Benin, click on each project for details.

Água, Saneamento e Higiene

As comunidades mais vulneráveis sofrem de água suja e escassa. Anualmente ajudamos até 500.000 pessoas a obter novo acesso a água potável e saneamento básico.

Desenvolvimento de Competências e Educação

A falta de educação perpetua a desigualdade porque os países pobres não podem competir economicamente sem uma mão-de-obra qualificada.

Quartier Fodrjossè Lot 1720
Maison Gaza Issiaka
08 BP 1100 Cotonou

address-mobile:+229 97 97 20 81
address-email: benin@helvetas.org