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Promoting the Right to Education in Kyrgyzstan

The adaption classes for children with special needs were opened in Jeti-Oguz municipality
TEXT: Erkin Abakirov
© Helvetas

In early April 2018, adaptation classes for children with special needs were opened in Jeti-Oguz village, Kyrgyzstan on the basis of the secondary school named after Danake Imanov. In total, these adaptation classes will be able to receive about fifty children from the village of Jeti-Oguz, as well as 6 neighboring municipalities, for which transportation to and from the school will be provided.

Earlier, the working group of the municipality, in the framework of the Public Service Improvement project, funded by the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), drafted a Service Improvement Action Plan (SIAP) on improving education for children with special needs. As a result of the competition, this SIAP allowed the municipality to win a grant to improve the service.

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According to the head of the school, a member of the initiative working group Ainagul Kadyrkulova, some children because of diseases of the musculoskeletal system have never studied in school before. There are many children who are diagnosed with mental retardation, as well as children with speech disorders, for which special training and corrective measures are required.

«Currently, a part of the school building has been repaired, we installed a ramp at the entrance of the school, as well as special devices in the toilets for children with special needs. The equipment and manuals for teaching children with special needs have been purchased»

Ainagul Kadyrkulova, a member of the initiative working group

The mother of one of the adaptation class students, Nurzhamal Karymshakova, on behalf of all parents expressed her gratitude to the working group, and Public Service Improvement project:

«We are very happy that such a specialized class has appeared. Our child began to show progress in development, and he is interested in school. We are grateful for the fact that somebody is paying attention to children with special needs»

Nurzhamal Karymshakova, a mother of one of the students

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In many countries where we work, men and women are unable to claim their rights and participate actively in decision-making processes.