Institutes and artisans improve youth employability in Nampula

It is a fact that in Mozambique, as in many other countries, young people with low levels of education face greater challenges to entering the labor market and in their daily lives.
13. March 2022

In the north of the country, specifically in the provinces of Nampula, Cabo Delgado and Niassa, the marginalization of young people of working age combined with limited access to training opportunities and benefits from mineral resources, contribute to the exclusion of the population and worsening poverty. This situation deepens social inequalities - a fuel for social instability and an obstacle to development efforts.

It is in this context that HELVETAS Mozambique is implementing the project HOJE (Skills plus Opportunity results in Youth with Employment) since 2020, aiming to engage and develop skills of young people, based on know-how, in sectors with great economic potential. Young people are trained through two approaches, namely, short-term training (six months) offered by official training institutes and through the Cooperative Groups, consisting of 5 people) where they learn different skills such as metalworking, tailoring, carpentry, among others, under the instruction of a master (an experienced person in the area), who in addition to training should guide them towards employability or entrepreneurial initiatives.

Ali Massaite, 17 years old, is one of the beneficiaries of this project and was integrated in one of the Cooperative Groups. He has only 5th grade. Writing and numeracy difficulties are evident in his life and HELVETAS' approach focused on know-how proved to be adequate for him to learn metalworking in Vila Sede de Nametil, Mogovolas district, in Nampula province. In the first person he tells how his life changed after the training.

«I joined the metalworking course in 2020, together with other young people from the district of Mogovolas (in the district headquarters of Nametil). We learned a lot during 6 months of training, two of which we dedicated to the internship. When it was over, I went to the city of Nampula to look for a job. In this adventure, five months later, I met Mr. Manuel Amisse, who gave me the opportunity to work in his workshop, where I earn two thousand meticais per month»

Ali Massaite

Although Ali Massaite was trained in a low income workshop and with the use of hand tools, his current employer - Manuel Amisse, recognizes his qualities and potential.

«I am satisfied with his work despite his difficulties in using modern machines and equipment. His difficulty results from the poor contact he had with the equipment during his training.  So, apart from this issue, the young man's determination is notorious and this eventually overcomes any learning difficulty. In general, he has desirable skills to work and has the will to learn, since metalworking is dynamic," »

Manuel Amisse.

Artisans and students in exchange for skills development

Five young people trained by the Instituto Polivalente de Marrere (IPOMA), Nampula province, were trainees in the workshop of master Manuel Amisse for two months. The young people participated in the short course having 10th grade of primary school (minimum requirement) with the objective of acquiring practical skills (know-how) and theoretical and practical knowledge about metalworking. The course was given by qualified trainers and with the use of technologically advanced equipment and machines. During the training at the institute, the young people were prepared to work in industrial and small metalworking shops.


«The young people have good knowledge of theory and practice, however they showed difficulties in the first days in working with simple machines. I believe that because of their skills they can easily get a job or even succeed if they choose to be self-employed. It was good for the young people to experience various work equipment»

said Amisse