© Helvetas / Hugh Sitton


A Helvetas apoia a população rural do Peru, em particular os pequenos agricultores, para melhor lidar com os novos desafios, como as alterações climáticas. A nossa prioridade é proteger os meios de subsistência da população andina através da utilização sustentável dos recursos naturais: água, terra, pastagens e florestas.
© Helvetas / Hugh Sitton
  • Superfície
    1,285,216,000 km²
  • Indice de pobreza*
    20% da população vive abaixo do limiar da pobreza, com 1,90$ por dia
    Posição 84 de um total de 191
  • População
  • Pessoas apoiadas por ano
  • Focos temáticos
    Mudanças climáticas
    Desenvolvimento de Competências e Educação
    Desenvolvimento económico
    Género e Equidade Social
    Serviços de WASH
* Fonte de informação: UN Data/ INEI Data

Thanks to heavy investment in developing its natural resources sector, Peru’s economy has grown considerably since the year 2000. Although poverty has diminished overall, so far the rural indigenous population has hardly benefited from the economic upswing. On the contrary, the clearing of large swathes of forest for mining purposes along with the effects of climate change cause challenges for sustaining livelihoods. Floods, droughts and landslides occurring with ever-increasing frequency are taking a heavy toll on agricultural production and food security. However, the presence of COVID19 has generated a 10-point increase in poverty, with the urban population more affected.

Traditional and modern methods in farming

Helvetas supports smallholders to secure their livelihoods. They are reviving traditional practices and introducing modern methods to adapt to climate change. For example, they grow traditional, more resistant varieties of corn and quinoa. Helvetas also trains farmers’ associations to better access markets and negotiate higher prices for their produce.

Adaption to climate change

The sustainable use of natural resources is our first priority, lest the Andean population lose the very basis of their livelihood. We work closely together with the Peruvian ministries of the environment and of the economy, exchanging our know-how and integrating tried-and-tested measures for adapting to climate change into existing nationwide programs. Our experiences from regions in which we are active thus benefit the whole country so that many more people can benefit from sustainable development.

Visit the website of Helvetas Peru.

© Helvetas
Soup cook Marcelina Masco © Helvetas
© Helvetas
© Helvetas
© Helvetas
© Helvetas
© Helvetas / Eduardo Martino
© Helvetas / Eduardo Martino

Our Projects in South America

 If you would like to know more about our work in Peru, click on each project for details.

Governação, Paz & Migração

Em muitos países onde trabalhamos, homens e mulheres são incapazes de reivindicar seus direitos e participar activamente dos processos de tomada de decisão.

Av. Ricardo Palma 857
450345 Lima

address-phone: +51 1 444 04 93
address-email: peru@helvetas.org