Nikola Babić
Nikola Babić
Nikola Babić is a member of the Helvetas Eastern Europe unit and functions as the Regional Economic Portfolio Manager. He has been working in international development cooperation since 2011. In his current role he backstops projects on applying inclusive system approach and coordinates Helvetas initiatives in the region. Nikola joined Helvetas EE team in 2019, and he previously worked as a consultant on various project in Eastern Europe, West Africa, South Asia and Pacific. He has an M.S. degree in Management from the University of Belgrade.
Nikola Babić coordinates the economic and vocational skills development (VSD) portfolio of the Helvetas Eastern Europe unit, and he has been working in international development cooperation since 2011. In his current role he backstops projects on applying inclusive system approach and coordinates Helvetas initiatives in the region. Nikola joined Helvetas EE team in 2019, and he previously worked as a consultant on various project in Eastern Europe, West Africa, South Asia and Pacific. He has an M.S. degree in Management from the University of Belgrade.