Through creating “Incubator Spaces” as a space for free, creative and unrestricted thinking in three universities based in Colombo, Peradeniya and Jaffna districts in Sri Lanka, Helvetas is empowering future journalists and media professionals through training and multi-disciplinary learning to become amplifiers of ethical and socially responsible media expression.
Project NameInSPIRE – Incubator Space for Promoting Information Right and freedom of Expression
Project Phase2019 to 2023
FundingFunded by the European Union
Thematic focusYouth
Learning & Innovation
Voice, Inclusion & Cohesion
o contribute to the enhancement of democracy and human rights in Sri Lanka.
In post-war Sri Lanka, it has been observed that youth have been disengaged and unfamiliar with multiple dimensions of fundamental freedoms have been vulnerable both economically and socially, and are relatively passive citizens in democratic processes and in times of national crises. Currently, the literacy rate of youth in Sri Lanka stands at 97%. Yet, the same youth lack in critical reasoning due to a variety of reasons such as a lack of multidisciplinary learning opportunities and gaps in existing courses and curriculums in schools and universities with minimal or no emphasis on online ethics, digital citizenship, right to information, and fundamental freedoms.
This project funded by the European Commission implemented in partnership with Sri Lanka Development Journalist Forum (SDJF) contributes to the enhancement of democracy and human rights in Sri Lanka. It seeks to empower a community of aspiring future media professionals and journalists through the establishment of Incubator Spaces in three Universities in Colombo, Kandy, and Jaffna; through developing specialized modules to build the capacity of the same professionals to produce creative media products thereby utilizing them as an amplifier for the gender-sensitive and socially responsible use of new media in Sri Lanka. For the creation of the new media products, students will first pitch their ideas in an idea market organized in the incubator spaces and, from thereon, be guided by mentors to develop quality media products that promote and strengthen freedom of expression in these areas.
The aim of this project implemented in Colombo, Kandy, Jaffna, and Batticaloa districts is to promote an increased understanding and respect for freedom of expression and information by empowering a community of youth to creatively express and advocate gender-sensitive freedom of expression and ethical and socially responsible media expressions.
the InSPIRE Project registered a total of 671 youth representing the Northern, Eastern, Western, and Central provinces of Sri Lanka. the network consisted of 78% female students.
- University of Peradeniya: 189
- University of Sri Jayewardenepura: 73
- University of Jaffna: 186
South-Eastern University: 173
Outcome 1: An innovative, socially responsible network of 350 future journalists and media professionals is created and activated: This network will consist of 100 Mass Media and Communication students each from the Universities of Sri Jayawardenepura, Jaffna, and Peradeniya and 50 students from South-Eastern University.
Outcome 2: Three Incubator Spaces (1 in each University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Jaffna, and Peradeniya) are established as a replicable model; 150 media products (from diverse media categories including short films, photography, and digital stories) and 2 research products generated.
Output 03: Advocacy initiatives (including 10 district-level dialogues with decision-makers) are conducted based on district-wise research and dissemination of media products
Developing Thematic Modules:
Following the completion of the gap analysis and skills assessment, the project developed four modules based on the needs identified and recommendations.
Modules were developed on:
1. Digital Citizenship
2. Freedom of Expression
3. Gender in New Media
4. Right to Information
Key activities include:
- University-based training on civic activism, right to information, digital citizenship, media ethics, and freedom of expression.
- Practical learning workshops on Media Production clustered as per media categories. (Short films, documentaries, news production, digital art, etc.)
- Inter-district exchange learnings between selected clusters
- Idea Markets for clusters to pitch concepts to experts to produce content.
- Two Annual forums for sharing learning and strengthening the Network
- One national forum for the dissemination of new media products and research findings to multiple stakeholders.
The aim of this project implemented in Colombo, Kandy, Jaffna and Batticaloa districts is to promote an increased understanding and respect for freedom of expression and information by empowering a community of youth to creatively express and advocate on gender sensitive freedom of expression and ethical and socially responsible media expressions.
Key activities include:
- University-based trainings on civic activism, right to information, digital citizenship, media ethics and freedom of expression.
- Practical learning workshops on Media Production clustered as per media categories. (Short films, documentaries, news production, digital art etc.)
- Inter-District exchange learnings between selected clusters
- Idea Markets for clusters to pitch concepts to experts to produce content.
- Two Annual forums for sharing learning and strengthening the Network
- One national forum for the dissemination of the new media products and research findings to multiple stakeholders.