
A agricultura é de longe o sector mais importante da economia tanzaniana. A Helvetas apoia os agricultores na melhoria dos seus métodos de produção, reduzindo as perdas pós-colheita e aumentando o rendimento através da comercialização dos seus produtos. Outro foco é a melhoria do ensino primário.
  • Superfície
    947,303 km²
  • Indice de pobreza*
    47% da população vive abaixo do limiar da pobreza, com 1,90$ por dia
    Posição 160 de um total de 191
  • População
  • Pessoas apoiadas por ano
  • Focos temáticos
    Desenvolvimento económico
    Desenvolvimento de Competências e Educação
    Género e Equidade Social

* Fonte de informação: UN Data

Helvetas has been active in Tanzania since the 1970s and has successfully completed various projects in rural road construction and education. More recently, our focus has been on agricultural development. Roughly 90% of the working population in Tanzania derive their livelihood from farming, which accounts for more than half the nation’s GDP. But agricultural productivity is still very low and marketing the produce is difficult due to a lack of suitable  infrastructure.

Helvetas supports farmers in central Tanzania in improving their income by reducing post-harvest losses and drawing up effective marketing strategies. We consult with farmers and other stakeholders in the market to identify the principal challenges and prospects for each product.

Know-how on the air

Farmers can learn more about sustainable farming techniques and revenue sources on special radio broadcasts, which also sensitize them to women’s rights and HIV/AIDS risks and prevention. In addition, farmers learn how metal silos, for example, can keep insects and mice from depleting their stored crops. Farmers previously often lost 20% or more of their crops due to poor storage. We also support women’s groups by improving vegetable production, advising them on best agricultural practices and on processing and marketing their produce to make a profit. Among other things, they learn how to irrigate their vegetable gardens efficiently with treadmill pumps.

Fostering critical thought

Roughly 95% of school-age children in Tanzania do attend primary school, but the quality of the education has steadily declined in recent years. To counteract this downward trend, Helvetas provides continuing education for primary school teachers in English, mathematics and natural science in three regions in the northeast of Tanzania. Teachers adapt participatory teaching methods to encourage pupils to think for themselves – and to think critically. We work with the Tanzanian teachers’ union to implement this approach. In the near future, Helvetas will also engage in vocational skills development for young adults.

Visit the website of Helvetas Tanzania.

The country programme in Tanzania is co-funded by the SDC programme contribution.

Our Projects in Tanzania

 If you would like to know more about our work in Tanzania, click on each project for details.

Desenvolvimento de Competências e Educação

A falta de educação perpetua a desigualdade porque os países pobres não podem competir economicamente sem uma mão-de-obra qualificada.

NBC Building, 2nd Fl.
Nyerere Road, P. O. Box 2978

address-phone:+255 26 23 21 345
address-email: tanzania@helvetas.org